Tuesday, February 8, 2022



Its your life 

Not your knife

It is to live

And to leave 

Without taking

The wealth you made

The kith and kins you lov’d

Before the time comes

Go to your relations once

Hug them tight

To feel their heart

Its your fate 

But it’s not too late

Decorate your mouth

With handsome words

To blossom the heart 

Of your adversary 

Words can make you

Words can break you

They have the power to heal you

They have the power to hurt you


They are your brothers,

But you never bothers

Never believe the one

Who says hello

Coz’ there is hell in hello!

Love the one who wave you good bye

Coz’ there is good in good bye!

Its your money,

Your honey

Its your baby,

Your bunny

You live for!

Your beautiful eyes,

Charming lips

And blossoming cheeks 

Once will be the dinner for worms!

Your sound will be heard no more

Your shirt will hung there still

Your room will be dusty

Your mobile will be

Overflowing with messages 

Nothing will mend to escort you

But your deeds 

And fine piece of white cloth!!

Remember one thing that-



                        PRELIMINARY 2ND YEAR